Naturopathic Medicine, Natural Health Dr. SG Gettman Naturopathic Medicine, Natural Health Dr. SG Gettman

3 Mistakes to Avoid During Your Annual Checkup: A Naturopathic Doctor's Guide

With the end of summer quickly approaching (sorry!), it’s a great time to call your provider to schedule your annual checkup.

Annual checkups are vitally important for optimal health and well-being.

In my experience as a doctor, I've seen firsthand how helping to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease can save an inordinate amount of time, money, stress, and frustration.

But before you head to your next appointment, make sure you're not making these three common mistakes, which could be keeping you from optimal health.

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Immune Health, Natural Health, Seasonal Health Dr. SG Gettman Immune Health, Natural Health, Seasonal Health Dr. SG Gettman

Are Seasonal Allergies Wrecking Your Life? Natural (and Affordable!) Strategies for Lasting Relief

Did you know that your diet, stress levels, and even the air you breathe can all impact your seasonal allergies?

If you're ready to explore natural solutions and dig deeper for lasting relief, this guide is for you. We'll uncover the deeper reasons behind seasonal allergies and explore strategies like diet changes, stress reduction, and targeted supplements to help you finally find lasting relief.

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